26 February, 2008


I am starting this Blog to record my thoughts and the things that I discover about adult education. I'm just beginning a Graduate Diploma of Vocational Education and Training, and having just read something about the educational benefits of blogging, I thought it would be a good idea to have a go.

In this blog I will attempt to put down my thoughts and impressions, as I read other people's work, as I try things out and as I see the effect on myself and participants. In any training that I give.

At least at this stage writing the blog is quite exhausting, so I hope that they're really use of learning effect. Mind you I am compound in this by learning how to dictate to the computer, rather than type in what I want to say. In theory this is supposed to be faster than typing, but at the moment, it definitely isn't. Hopefully I will get the hang of this and the computer will get used to my way of speaking.

Actually, I don't mind speaking to the computer too much when I'm home alone, but find this very hard if there were other people in hearing distance. It definitely would be very useful on the train! I wonder whether it is worth keeping it up.

Anyway time will tell, I'll try to make sure that the usefulness of this blog is not hampered by my experiments with speech to text.

Tomorrow I will try to post something that she is about adult education.