17 April, 2008

Nature versus Nurture

I am good at Maths, My parents were good at maths, my sisters are good at maths, my nieces and nephews are good at maths. It seems that everyone n my family are good at maths. This aptitude is due to nature, and there is some qualification, but most of the qualification is due to nurture.

My mother wasn't taught maths at school and therefore has little understanding. One of my sisters felt like she was living in the shadow of her older siblings so choose not to excel in the area. A niece was surrounded by peers who made fun of her for her ability, so she was angry that she could do maths. Whilst for me it was the only aspect of primary school that was able to penetrate my lack of concentration, my day dreaming and reach my consciousness. And my nephew Michael was always more interested in electricity, electronics and computers than pure maths. So there is definite variation in what nature has provided, and what has been made of the potential through nurture.